Hi Jag, very interesting blog post!


Your comments on behaviorism are quite insightful. I believe we can see the productiveness of reinforcement and feedback in all realms of society whether that be in training a dog, raising a child, learning a new skill, or as you stated in your blog post helping with education by providing immediate feedback through activities like quizzes and automated feedback systems. I can also specifically relate to your comments on Duolingo as I’m currently using it to help me better understand the Italian language. Initially I had tried to look up various YouTube videos and books to help me but eventually I came across Duolingo, and it made all the difference. The accessibility and use of repetition made me learn much quicker and completely changed my behavior towards learning this language. Similarly, to what you outline in your blog, the behaviourism involved with Duolingo provided me with an easy to memorize tool and has opened my eyes into what is truly possible through digital learning



