Category: edci339

Blog Post #5

Introduction to Open Education: Briefly introduce what it is and why it is important in today’s learning environment.

Open education as I understand it can be boiled down to a way of providing education with specific emphasis in the use of digital technologies. It is important todays learning environment as so much of our lives is made up of or impacted by technology. As we’ve seen in this course, some specific ways into why its important is that it allows more variation in the class room, allows more inclusivity regardless of location or income, and can adjust and enhance certain learning techniques for different levels of education.


Understanding Open Pedagogy: Describe your understanding of Open Pedagogy and its significance in modern education. Reflect on how the principles of sharing and collaboration in Open Pedagogy could change traditional educational practices and the relationships between educators and students.

Open Pedagogy as I understand it is directly correlated with open education with an emphasis on the sharing and collaboration aspect of education. Open pedagogy is important in modern education as without it, the benefits received from open education would be much less fruitful than if collaboration was emphasized and integrated. With the presence of open pedagogy, the traditional relationship between student and teacher could be fundamentally changed for the good. For starters it promotes co-create content which incentivizes engagement on both the teacher and the student sides. This new relationship could allow more critical thinking on both sides as well as a more adaptable educational method and experience.


The Roles of OERs: Discuss what OERs are and consider how the availability of free resources like textbooks and multimedia materials can change and impact student engagement and academic success.

Open Educational Resources (OERs) are freely distributed textbooks and other learning material that are available online without any barriers to access. OERs can include anything from textbooks, lecture notes, tests, videos, and more. The impact of these OERs could be consequential for student engagement and overall educational outcomes. For starters the student would be able to save more of their paycheques as the cost to learn would be greatly reduced. This specific breakdown of financial incentives and barriers would allow for a more flexible and accessible curriculum, which may draw more students engagement as many become fed up and intimidated by the added costs of textbooks.


Open Licensing Explained: Explain what open licensing is and how it supports educational practices. Reflect on how open licenses enable the use, modification, and distribution of educational materials and why understanding these licenses are important for educators.

Open licensing can be attributed to the legal framework and mandates associated with the OERs, which is what allows free distribution and shareability of these resources. These licensing practices bypass the negative restrictions placed by things such as traditional copyright, which allow these resources to be collaboratively developed. Educators may want to understand open licensing as it could allow for a larger student pool to be engaged in their learning techniques as they would have greater access to the broader material of whatever the instructor is teaching. The rise in technology and cost of education, would further incentivize educators to adapt and meet the new demand.


Challenges and Solutions: Identify some challenges faced in implementing Open Pedagogy and OER. Offer your personal insights or solutions for addressing these challenges in educational settings.

Some challenges around the implementation of Open Pedagogy and OER include source reliability and integration to University institutions. In order to tackle source reliability, I would attempt to find a third party that investigates popular free resources and filters the information from most to least reliable. If there was a way to fund this third party, I believe the problem could be solved fairly easily. As for university institutions, I believe the only way they would accept more free resources is by making a deal with various cites which means the university gets paid to promote, and the freely distributed cites acquire more traffic which would subsequently help them to grow.

Blog Post #4

Privacy in Digital Learning: What should students expect regarding their privacy when learning online? Think about what level of privacy is reasonable, and why.

I believe it is very important to have privacy when online learning in a way that does not impact collaboration and accessibility. I think a part of this is figuring out a method to ensure that an individual’s personal privacy is protected, while still ensuring that they are able to interact with others. To ensure that this is the case, it is important for the educators to have clear and transparent communication with their students about ways in which their privacy can be protected and allows individuals to give consent where possible.

Privacy vs. Educational Needs: Sometimes, schools or teachers might need to use tools or take actions that could affect student privacy. Can you think of situations where this might be acceptable or necessary? How can we balance the need to protect student privacy with the need to meet educational goals?

When online learning became very prevalent during COVID, I believe this was one of the challenges that was faced. It is absolutely necessary to find a balance with protecting student privacy while also meeting educational goals. For example, when zoom became the main method for teaching class, some professors felt that individuals could have their camera’s off as they were in their personal spaces. However, some felt it was necessary for students to have their cameras on so that they could actively engage. This debate was also prevalent for when classes would be recorded. For example, if a teacher was recording a class that would be posted to external resources, I think it would important to preface this and gain consent from the individuals, and allow them the option to be on camera or not. I believe a significant factor in finding the balance of protecting student privacy and meeting educational goals comes through transparency and following ethical considerations.

Universal Design for Learning: Reflect on the UDL framework. Originally, it was created to help students with learning disabilities, but now it aims to prevent all types of exclusion. How can UDL effectively be used in digital learning to ensure every student has access and feels included?

UDL was originally created to help students with learning disabilities, however, over time it has developed to prevent all types of exclusion. This has been an important implementation as it ensures accessibility and inclusion n digital learning. Some of the strategies include using a variety of methods for engagement, using a variety of assessment methods, and allowing the possibility of personalized learning experiences for individuals who may have different learning styles. Below is an example of the UDL framework that can be adopted by educators:

UDL Framework | eCampusOntario H5P Studio


Ethics and Digital Tools in Education: What ethical considerations should be taken into account when choosing and using digital tools in education? How can educators and institutions ensure they are using technology ethically?

There are many ethical considerations that should be taken into account when choosing and using digital tools in education. In this week’s reading, a main focus outlined was on privacy and data collection. The authors discuss the debates that have occurred around ethical concerns specifically in the K-12 environment (Regan & Jesse, 2019). I found this to be interesting as specifically with digital tools used in K-12 environments, it is important to ensure that student’s privacy is protected. It is also important to focus on the resources that are used. For example, if a student is using a website that collects data, it is important to know what the data is being used for and where the data is being shared. Especially as these students are minors, they need to be protected.  To ensure that best practices are followed, it is important for all educators and institutions to be trained and informed on the ethical practices to use for digital learning and it is important to have a set of standards that are maintained.

Blog Post #3

Reflect on Digital Technologies and Identity: How are digital technologies changing how we see ourselves and our communities in education? Share specific ways that online environments shape personal identities and community interactions. Can you relate this to your own experiences in online learning or social interactions?

The biggest way in which digital technologies change how we see ourselves and our communities is by dissolving of the traditional boundaries we’ve grown used too. Specifically in terms of creating a new context for identity and community which changes how we react to and process various situations. People choose the subject matter and content in which they want other people to see, creating a false sense of reality depending on what the person wants to convey. For most people they would likely choose to emphasis and show the best parts of them which not only creates a sort of fake persona, but also can affect how they see themselves by associating more with their digital identity rather than their genuine self. This digital identity can be beneficial as it may help someone land a job interview when they otherwise wouldn’t have but could also be detrimental as we’ve seen all too much in terms of soliciting minors for example. As for breaking down barriers in a community, I believe the net benefit outweighs the net risk. It may be harder to create more personal relationships, but also allows collaboration inducing more viewpoints from a broad selection of people. In terms of the social interaction, I did this project in second year to which we had a group chat that everyone talked avidly in. When we then decided to meet in person most were either shy or made no effort to be collaborate which I found interesting as they seemed more comfortable in their digital identity rather than when in person.


Digital Platforms in Education: Think about how different digital tools and platforms help with learning. How do these spaces keep you engaged and help you learn digital skills? Give examples of digital tools you’ve used in education and explain how they helped or didn’t help you meet your learning goals.

Digital tools and platforms have played a key role in shaping how people, especially younger people, develop their learning. These digital spaces are specifically designed to maximize engagement, accessibility, and educational goals by utilizing an all-encompassing learning space that appeals to all levels of learnability. In my opinion the biggest tool in which as helped develop my skills and knowledge is that of YouTube. YouTube is home to many great channels which provide a wide array of videos that the user can choose to satisfy and enhance their learning. Some of the larger channels include “Khan Academy” and “The Organic Chemistry Tutor”, which I have used every year of university to help clarify various mathematical topics that I found especially confusing in class. I was able to shift through multiple videos and found the ones that matched my intent, which is what makes these digital tools so incredibly useful.


Instructor and Social Presence in Online Learning: Based on the reading “Where’s the Teacher? Defining the Role of the Instructor Presence in Social Presence and Cognition in Online Education” and other course materials, why is it important for instructors to be present and social in online classes? What strategies can teachers use to improve their social presence, and how does this impact student engagement and learning?

It is important for the instructor to be present in a virtual classroom as they are the ones responsible for establishing and maintaining the student’s willingness to learn. For many students it is easier to commit to learning when they have a teacher present, rather than attempting to motivate themselves on their own. Teachers can improve their social presence by adhering to the principles as outlined in the reading which include frequent contact in and out of classrooms, promoting peer collaboration, using active learning techniques, providing feedback, emphasising time on task, and communicating high expectations. These improvements can impact student engagement by in very unique ways but generally can improve and expand understanding of the material, increase involvement, and allow a greater opportunity for collaboration which necessarily increases the students presence in the classroom as well.

Blog Post #2

Discuss how open learning principles can make education more accessible and inclusive. Reflect on a situation where open learning could transform educational outcomes.

Open learning principles can make education more accessible and inclusive through a variety of different ways. For starters open learning reduces the implicit and explicit costs associated with taking courses to learn. For example, this course being fully online has reduced my travel cost of going to campus as well as elevated the very common cost of textbooks.  I am now able to afford certain things that I otherwise couldn’t, which reduces my overall stress and allows me to learn more comfortably and thoroughly. This increase in affordability means that open learning can become more accessible to people of wider degrees of wealth, which is a prominent barrier to entry when it comes to taking University courses.


How have historical advancements in educational technology shaped modern educational tools and philosophies? Choose one innovation and explore its impact on today’s learning environments.

Historical advancements in educational technology has shaped modern education in a variety of ways with specific prominence in dynamics of learning and access to education. While access to education speaks for itself, what I’m referring to with dynamics of learning is the different websites and digital tools people use to understand topics, apposed to the classic teacher classroom environments. A key piece of innovation changing the world of education is the rapid use of Zoom. Zoom allows for people to collaborate regardless of the time or place in which any participating member finds themselves in. This makes group efforts boundless and levels more accessible.


Evaluate how the shift from traditional to digital, learner-centred platforms has transformed educational settings. Share your views on how these technologies can further evolve to enhance learning.

The shift from traditional learning-centred platforms such as chalk boards, to digital mediums such as fully integrating online learn-centred classrooms has allowed for a large increase in accessibility and inclusivity. Digital allows for the learning setting to go beyond the classroom by using a multitude of aspects such as zoom meetings, additional lecture slides, and more in order to accommodate all levels of learning and availability. For example I have found that I am able to work my regular hours while also participating in an online class, which allows me more financial freedom and free time. I believe this is where open digital learning will enhance education in the future, allowing people the ability to go about their lives while learning in a digestible and convenient manner, ultimately reducing stress and increasing  engagement in the material.


Connect the theories and technological developments to current educational practices. Discuss an example from your readings or personal experiences where these theories have been effectively applied or could have been implemented to improve learning.

Theories and technological developments are the backbone of the learning models used today as they have adjusted for the different ways in which people learn. The understanding of the various ways in which people learn can be specified and amplified accordingly, with new technologies being a crucial part in manifesting these new techniques. I experienced these developments first hand when I was in second year taking a microeconomics course. In this course there were assignments that allowed us to obtain hints and step-by-step examples in order to help us better engage and learn the material. However, this was only made possible by the implementation of constructivism through the use of technologically coherent software.


Consider the role of multimedia resources in enriching educational experiences. Provide an example where multimedia has contributed to learning.

Multimedia combines images, text, and audio to provide a dynamic and engaging educational experience. It’s through these tools that people are given the chance to experience learning more suited to their natured, subsequently meaning more inclusivity. One major piece of multimedia that has contributed to learning is that of the YouTube channel Khan Academy. Khan Academy utilizes a flexible environment using the tools described above and has personally helped me understand many mathematical concepts with the help of graphs, colours, and well organized videos.

Blog Post #1: Introduction

My name is Aiden Lattanzi and I am in my fourth year majoring in Economics.

What interests you about open and distributed learning?

What is interesting to me about open and distributed learning is how it is made accessible to everyone and there are so many various ways one can learn about almost any topic. I find that it is also interesting that individuals all over the world are able to connect through this learning form no matter their location or time zone. It allows individuals to foster connection and further their understanding on any given topic. Technology is such an essential and crucial part of our world today and it is important learn further skills in this area that apply to almost all aspects of life.

How do you currently use digital tools to support your learning or professional life in the context of education?

I use digital tools in almost all aspects of my learning and professional life. Digital tools support my learning through various ways, I find specifically Youtube has been very helpful throughout my university career. When I have had a difficult time understanding a concept, I often will search it up on Youtube. For example, for many Math and Economic courses I have found Khan Academy and Economics to be very resourceful.  These resources have helped me study for exams, understand a topic further, and connect with other individuals who are studying these topics.

What is your understanding of digital literacy and its importance in open and distributed learning settings?

To me digital literacy includes so many different aspects such as the ability to collaborate, communicate effectively, find information and practicing safe online usage. Digital literacy is very important in open and distributed learning settings because with online learning environments, an individual needs to know how to navigate, communicate, access and create while ensuring safety.

Describe any experiences you have with learning in open or distributed contexts. How will you engage with and contribute to this learning approach through the course?

I have had some experiences with open and distributed learning during the COVID-19 pandemic as many classes were online. I found that we were able to engage through discussion posts and zoom meetings. I found that engagement was easy when we got to respond to other individuals posts and have conversation through this. In this class, I am excited to engage by reading and watching the content that is provided and by engaging with other individuals through blog post discussions.



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